Projects - Southwest Indian Foundation

Including Navajo, Zuni, Hopi, and other native crafts...
Where All Your Purchases Help the "Poorest of the Poor"
For 40 years now, the Southwest Indian Foundation has been providing assistance to the "poorest of the poor" in the desert southwest reservation areas. Our projects are numerous. Where there is a need, SWIF attempts to answer the need. We rely on good people like yourself to help us give hope and opportunity to some of the poorest people in the United States.
We Need a Tractor!

We Need a Tractor!

What we really need is a tractor! Our old Kubota is on its last legs. We will really need a tractor next spring when its time to plant again. Please keep us in mind, especially if you have any connections to help us find one at a reasonable price!

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A Humble Modest Pickup Truck

A Humble Modest Pickup Truck

All I really want is a humble modest Pickup Truck! We had two old pickup trucks. They were definitely old, but steady. When I was up at San Isidro this week the first thing I learned is one truck's transmission was gone and the second truck's engine blew. So, although things are going great on the Farm, we desperately need a 3/4 ton pickup.

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The Southwest Indian Foundation Housing Project has continued to expand for the last ten years

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Education / Scholarships

Education / Scholarships

Every year the Southwest Indian Foundation gives over $25,000 in Art Scholarships to young people who would have little or no opportunity to succeed in life.

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Food Assistance

Food Assistance

If we had a truly hungry child on our front door step, how many of us seriously would turn that child away without sustenance?

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Clothing / Blankets

Clothing / Blankets

The Southwest Indian Foundation has a small warehouse in Gallup where we received donations in blankets, coats, baby and maternity clothing

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Water is Life

Water is Life

The hard fact is that you don't have to go to Africa to find communities that do not have access to clean running water. Right here in the heart of the wealthiest nation on earth that fact is a reality.

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